Interesting Animation of Covid-19 cases with Charts and Map using gganimate and tmap in R

2 min read

Covid-19 has drawn many people’s attention to creating charts and graphs for data analysis and visualization. In the last month, I spent some time experiencing R studio and am impressed with its powerful statistic analysis package in every way, especially with their charting capability. The nice thing about it that you can also integrate with spatial analysis with the data. In this blog, I would like to share my practices with my county Covid-19 data using the animation of gganimate package. Animation of data-driven story can naturally capture the interest of the readers and makes an impression. Creating animations with…...

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Wayne Zhang Wayne is a solution analyst at Cobb County. He is specialized in enterprise GIS Application and data support solution on desktop, ArcGIS Online, and Portal. He is interested in Machine and Deep Learning applied to GeoScience and Computer vision.

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